Welcome to The On/Off Switch.

You might love music. Or like hearing how it’s made. You might be a musician, or you might be a creative having a career ‘moment’ and having a later life direction change. You might be all of these things.

I’ll be covering a range of subjects related to music making and how you can use it as way to change your life at any point - and probably much more. It’s a moving feast. Probably involving cake. Love cake.

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About Graeme.

Emigrating south from the flat midlands at an early age, I developed a love of music via my parent’s cassette box and a Casio PT20.

Life led me to guitars, bands, live sets, hustling and even some national radio play before a side swerve into graphic design, branding and photography.

After nearly 30 years of visual creativity, I’m returning home to music - to produce intriguing, original and emotional soundtracks and themes, alongside dark, organic ambient compositions and collaborations.

I’m inspired by an array of eclectic musicians from the scores of Jonny Greenwood to the rafter-raising energy of The Chemical Brothers with an added pinch of soulful mid-period Pink Floyd. And much, much more.

A champion for later life career change and creativity, I believe everyone can, and should have the opportunity to challenge social conventions and pursue their artistic calling at any age.

I live in Maidenhead, UK with my family and a rather large cat.

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The Substack home of Semiphore and composer Graeme Worsfold, documenting my journey of audio experiments, re-envisioned soundtracks and original music, along with my thoughts on music and connected culture. Plenty of signal. Lots of noise.


Gen X composer. Original music, soundtracks for film, tv and ads and much more. Writing about having a second crack at something you love.