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The Waterkooler moment.

Just another corporate training video? No, it's another Substack Exclusive.

You’ll have noticed a lot of stuff reported about ‘back to the office’ in the past couple of years since Covid.

We’d just gotten used to sitting around in our jammies in our kitchens/sheds/bedrooms, then multiple corporate landowners remembered they had quite a bit of expensive real estate stuck there. Return to the glass towers, you lot!

There’s been a load of stories about ‘creativity sparked around the water cooler’, well here’s mine. ‘Waterkooler’ is about the daily grind from the lobby to the lift to the glass-walled meeting rooms. Conversations take place, files are passed, powerpoints are shown and sometimes things happen. Often they don’t. Our protagonist isn’t sure what’s happening - she just wants to express herself. To dance. To be free.

Isn’t that where we thought we’d got to?

Whilst the main melody is quite light and innocent - almost like a space-age bit of lift music, I was keen to have some little bits of conflicting undertow dissonance to support the story of ‘all not being right in the office’. There’s quite a bit of synth and rhythmical texturing going on here, but it’s not upfront - more of a vibe.

Production-wise, it’s much less intensive than ‘The Saunton Incident’ and stylistically I’d go for a mash-up of ‘Anima’ period Thom Yorke and New Order, but somehow not like either. I did start out trying to do something a bit ambient, but couldn’t help myself and it got a bit more beefy. Will try something lower-key soon, pinky promise.

Again, video production was done in Premier using footage from Artlist. Really enjoying putting these together now - and getting quicker at doing them, but would never say I can edit a video!

Anyway, hope you enjoy this one - and welcome to my lovely new subscribers… this one is especially for you guys!

As ever, let me know what you think.

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