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Pensive piano, loud guitars. It's out of this world.

Another song already? Yet another Substack first? You bet.

My non-soundtrack pieces so far have definitely been a little guitar light considering how enamoured with the instrument I am, and ‘Finder’ is a palette cleanser for the skittering electronica that seems to have jumped out of my brain and fingers over the last 6 months - but hey, you can’t tell what the creative mind is going to do, right?

My touchstone for this one was Sigur Rós, with the slow quiet intro blowing up into an aural guitar assault after a very looooong build, although by the time it’s got to the final guitar ‘solo’ (it’s not really, I’m too tasteful to widdle nowadays), it’s got the feel of some early Oasis with the guitar mix overtaking everything else in the mix.

There’s actually - for the geeks among you - about 10 tracks of guitars on this, from Jazzmasters, to Eastmans, Strats to Gibson ES335. With various amps and fuzz boxes. Throwing the sink at it.

Other instrumentation was via Crow Hills excellent new ‘Verticle Piano’ and various odd orchestral sounds from Slate + Ash.

The video theme is, as ever, a little obscure, but my little story is this is an astronaut and time traveller (double points) come to grab a small fern which is the saviour of his - or our - planet in the future. Not yer average pot plant.

I had a great time on ‘Finder’. Scratching the guitar itch, trying something new and learning a few techniques along the way. I’m not sure the neighbours were that impressed though.

More new stuff and articles on the way, so stay tuned. Let me know what you think of ‘Finder’ - your cup of tea or do you prefer the more electronic stuff? Have a go at the exciting poll below!


Meanwhile, once again - please hit the subscribe button, share far and wide and tell your friends. Even the ones from a galaxy far, far away…